Mentoring Ministry

Providing biblical teaching resources for the next generation.

Unwrap the Package

I’m Dr. Bob and for just a Mentoring Minute, I want to ask if you ever received a gift and tried to guess what it was before you unwrapped it, only to find out your guess was way off? I want to encourage you to take the wrappings off the package before you make any judgments. Perhaps you guessed that I am not talking about your next birthday present. I am talking about not judging people by what you first see. Make it your habit to spend enough time to learn what is inside a person. Otherwise, you will misjudge many who you meet. You will certainly miss out on those who might have become your very good friends. Some might even be holding the keys to your success within the character of their hearts, and the opportunities within their sphere of influence. I’m Dr. Bob. Be like the prophet Samuel. First Samuel 16:7 tells us the Lord does not see as we do, but He looks within the heart. Samuel understood this and passed by all the tall, strong, good-looking brothers finally to find David, who appeared to be the least probable, but was actually the best of bunch. Write me at Dr. and let me know what you think.

Unwrap the Package