Mentoring Ministry

Providing biblical teaching resources for the next generation.

Fly Out or Fry Out

I’m Dr. Bob and for just a Mentoring Minute I want to talk to you about birds in the chimney. I used to live in the northern part of the United States. We had a fireplace in which we burned wood on cold winter days. This never happened to me, but I heard about someone who had birds living in his chimney. He wanted to build a fire, but could not, because the chimney was occupied and the smoke from his fires could not escape through it. This was an inconvenience for him, but a far bigger problem for the birds. Their home had seemed safe, secure and comfortable. However, they did not know the danger in which they had placed themselves. Once the heat would be turned up, they could either stay in what seemed comfortable, or choose to move out into the cold to something new. If the birds failed to sense their predicament, they faced destruction. They had a choice. They could fly out or fry out. Often we have a similar choice. We have been in a safe and comfortable place, but the season is changing and now it is time to fly out to something new. I’m Dr. Bob Perhaps it is time for you to mount up with wings as Eagles and fly out before you fry out.

Fly Out or Fry Out